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Design of Secure Development Methodology

Arteco - Information Technologies
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foto Ramón Arnau

Ramón Arnau

Gerente de Arteco Consulting SL

Comprehensive Development Methodology with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf, guaranteeing security and scalability in web applications

Project Information

Project Name: Secure Development Methodology for the Municipal Institute of Innovation

Industry/Sector: Public Administration / Technological Innovation

Challenge: The Municipal Institute of Innovation, under the Palma de Mallorca City Council, required the development of a software development methodology that not only optimized the creation of web applications and microservices but also ensured high levels of security and traceability. This need arose from the management of sensitive private data corresponding to the population census, requiring a meticulous approach to protect the information and comply with privacy regulations.

Implemented Solution

General Description: Arteco Consulting SL developed a comprehensive development methodology based on the utilization of web applications and microservices with Spring Boot. Thymeleaf was selected for user interfaces due to its efficiency and compatibility with the required security standards. This methodology was designed to be implemented on JBoss/WildFly application servers, providing a robust and secure infrastructure for application deployment.

Technologies Used: The methodology incorporates the use of Spring Boot for creating microservices, Thymeleaf for developing secure and user-friendly user interfaces, and JBoss/WildFly servers for deployment. Additionally, code analysis tools like SonarQube were included to ensure software quality and comply with security and traceability best practices.

Key Features: The designed methodology promotes a clear separation into components and layers of responsibility, facilitating maintenance and scalability of applications. Good practices and rigorous standards were established for the secure development of applications, including code review, automated testing, and continuous integration, ensuring the protection of managed data.

Results: The implementation of this methodology has allowed the Municipal Institute of Innovation to develop and deploy web applications and services with maximum security, efficiency, and compliance. The ability to securely manage population census data has significantly improved, increasing citizens' trust in the technological solutions offered by the City Council.


This project underscores Arteco Consulting SL's ability to understand and apply complex technological requirements in the field of public administration, developing solutions that are not only innovative but also secure and responsible. The methodology created for the Municipal Institute of Innovation highlights Arteco's commitment to excellence in software development and the importance of information security, establishing a new standard for application development in the public sector.

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