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Comprehensive Training Course Management Platform

Arteco - Information Technologies
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foto Ramón Arnau

Ramón Arnau

Gerente de Arteco Consulting SL

J2EE Solution for Public Administration with JBoss, JSP, and Servlets, Optimizing Training Management and Data Security

Project Information

Project Name: Training Management Platform for the Employment Guidance Service

Industry/Sector: Public Administration / Training and Employment

Challenge: The Public Employment Guidance Service needed to develop a comprehensive platform that encompassed all aspects of training management, from the creation and publication of calls for proposals to the financial justification of completed actions, including attendance tracking and curriculum management. The project required a system capable of handling a significant volume of data and users, while ensuring security and efficiency in process management.

Implemented Solution

General Description: Arteco Consulting SL designed and developed a solution based on J2EE standards for JBoss, hosted on the public administration systems. The platform integrated over 150 tables and provided access to a wide range of users, both internal and external, through differentiated interfaces for the front office and back office. The solution was developed using JSP and Servlets and integrated the Seycon security system of the Public Administration to ensure data protection and operational integrity.

Technologies Used: The platform was built on J2EE, leveraging JBoss as the application server to ensure optimal performance and necessary scalability. Development was carried out using JSP and Servlets, providing a solid foundation for building effective and secure user interfaces. The Seycon security system was integrated to ensure compliance with the strict security regulations of the public administration.

Key Features: This project stood out for its ability to centralize and automate the management of training activities, offering advanced tools for call publication, application evaluation, attendance tracking, and curriculum administration. Clear differentiation between the front office and back office allowed for efficient and secure management of internal and external users, enhancing the experience for all participants in the training process.

Results: The implementation of the platform has allowed the Employment Guidance Service to significantly optimize the management of its training programs, improving accessibility to training for citizens and facilitating the administration and monitoring of training activities by staff. The operational efficiency and security of the system have contributed to greater effectiveness in employment guidance and resource management.


This project reaffirms the ability of Arteco Consulting SL to develop complex and powerful technological solutions for the public sector, meeting high standards of security and efficiency. The creation and evolution of this comprehensive training management platform for the Public Employment Guidance Service demonstrates Arteco's commitment to improving public services through technological innovation, facilitating access to training and employment for citizens.

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