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Streamlining Time to Market in the Agri-Food Sector

Arteco - Information Technologies
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foto Ramón Arnau

Ramón Arnau

Gerente de Arteco Consulting SL

Process Optimization in the Agri-Food Sector: Innovation with Arteco

Imagine you are a leading agri-food company, looking for ways to optimize your processes to maintain the freshness and quality your customers expect, all while reducing your product launch times. This is not just a necessity; it is an essential competitive advantage in such a dynamic and demanding market. This is where our story with an agri-food company, whose name we'll keep to ourselves, begins to take shape, showing the power of technology and innovation when masterfully applied.

The Challenge: Less Waiting, More Innovation

Our client faced the challenge of reducing their time to market significantly. They wanted to launch products faster without compromising quality, which requires a robust and agile technology infrastructure. The solution? A cloud platform with continuous deployment and integration that guaranteed not only speed, but also the highest quality through thorough testing and code analysis.

The Arteco Solution: Cutting-Edge Technology at the Service of the Field

Arteco Consulting, with its team of Java, Spring Boot, Angular, and PostgreSQL experts, proposed a Jenkins-based infrastructure to manage CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Deployment) pipelines, which allows frequent and secure software updates without interrupting the client's daily operations. We also used observability tools such as Grafana, Prometheus and Jaeger to monitor system performance in real time and ensure everything was running smoothly. All running on the current platform standard: Kubernetes.

Implementation: A Process As Agile As Our Customer

From initial design to final implementation, Arteco took an iterative approach that allowed for quick and efficient adjustments. The use of static code analysis with Sonar and additional metrics ensured that every line of code not only worked, but was maintainable and secure. This was complemented by rigorous checking of unit test coverage, ensuring that each new feature introduced was well supported by robust testing.

An Anecdote from the Field

During one of the platform demonstrations, an automatic upgrade was scheduled just as several of the customer's executives were watching. Although for a moment it looked like the demo would go down the drain, Arteco's system handled the upgrade without interruption, and the customer barely noticed that the system had been upgraded as we discussed the functionality. Everyone let out a laugh as they realized that the system was already one step ahead, demonstrating the efficiency and reliability of Arteco's solutions in real action.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Production?

If this story resonates with you and you're looking for a similar solution that will allow you to stay ahead of the competition, don't hesitate to contact Arteco Consulting SL. We help you transform your processes and get your products to market faster with the confidence that technology is on your side - it's time to reap the rewards of innovation with Arteco!

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We have a large portfolio of trainees who combine their academic training with experience at Arteco, learning firsthand from those on the front lines. We carry out an intensive training program aimed at rapid incorporation into real development teams.

Person running through the desert representing Arteco Consulting's Team Building
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