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Eliminate legacy code such as Oracle Forms

Arteco - Information Technologies
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foto Ramón Arnau

Ramón Arnau

Gerente de Arteco Consulting SL

Legacy code is a problem that every organization sooner or later faces. Renew your technological stack with Arteco!

It is very common that you have some application in your company that uses some deprecated technology such as Oracle Forms, and you are probably familiar with the limitations and challenges faced by this technology, especially in terms of discontinuity and lack of up-to-date support. The need to modernize business-critical applications is more urgent than ever, and Arteco is here to help you in that process.

The Migration Process with Arteco

If this is your problem, you should know that although Oracle Forms is no longer supported, the Oracle Database database management system is, so much of your existing software can be leveraged. For example, nothing more and nothing less than the most valuable thing, the data! The entire database structure, information and stored procedures will still be useful.

Evaluation and Planning

The first step in any successful migration project is a thorough assessment of the current state of your Oracle Forms applications. Arteco conducts a detailed audit to identify all critical components, dependencies and functionality. This allows us to design a customized and efficient migration plan.

User Interface Migration

Oracle Forms can be replaced by a modern Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular. This approach offers an improved and more dynamic user experience. The process includes:

  1. Analysis of the current UI: Understand how users interact with the existing application.
  2. UI redesign: Create a modern interface that maintains familiarity for users but takes advantage of Angular's capabilities.
  3. Implementation and Testing: Develop the new UI and perform extensive testing to ensure functionality and usability.

Business Logic Migration

The business logic in Oracle Forms can be moved to a microservices architecture using Spring Boot. This approach allows for greater scalability and flexibility. The process includes:

  1. Application Decomposition: Identify and segment the business logic into manageable microservices.
  2. Microservice Development: Rewrite the business logic using Spring Boot, ensuring that each microservice is independent and easily maintainable.
  3. Integration and Testing: Integrate the microservices with the new UI and other systems, followed by comprehensive testing to ensure a smooth transition.

Benefits of Migrating with Arteco

Modernization and Flexibility

Migrating to an SPA with Angular and a microservices architecture with Spring Boot offers a modern infrastructure that is easy to maintain and scale as your business needs change. This ensures that your company is future-proof and can quickly adapt to market changes.

Migrating to an SPA with Angular and a microservices architecture with Spring Boot provides a modern infrastructure that is easy to maintain and scale as your business needs change. This ensures that your company is future-proof and can quickly adapt to market changes.

Better User Experience

An SPA provides a smoother and faster user experience, which can increase end-user satisfaction and productivity. Real-time updates and dynamic interactions significantly improve application usability.

Increased Scalability and Resiliency

Microservices allow your application to grow in a modular fashion. Each component can be scaled independently on demand, which improves system efficiency and resiliency. In addition, the separation of services minimizes the impact of individual failures, increasing system availability and stability.

Long-Term Cost Reduction

Although the initial migration may require an investment, the long-term benefits in terms of reduced maintenance, increased scalability and improved performance result in reduced operating costs. In addition, modernization avoids the high costs associated with managing obsolete systems.

Why count on Arteco

Choosing Arteco for your Oracle Forms migration is a strategic decision that can transform your company's technology infrastructure, improve the user experience, and deliver a flexible and scalable platform for the future. Our meticulous approach and expertise in modern technologies ensures that your migration is successful and smooth.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you take your applications to the next level.

Better User Experience

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